Blog it Out

Looking into my Birthday Reflection

Looking into my Birthday Reflection

As another year goes by, locked down to my coordinates of May 15th 1981, Cincinnati Ohio, 11:58pm. I wonder how many times I've lived this life? Lo...

Put That Negative S#it In A Box

Put That Negative S#it In A Box

Today's blog is about being real. Life can be hard sometimes. I like to think about life on Earth like a school; we all are here to take classes. S...

Getting In-Tune With Your Body

Getting In-Tune With Your Body

This week’s Blog is on being in-tune with your body. Western medicine can be incredibly helpful and truly saves people’s lives. That being said, I ...

3 Tips for Creating Abundance and Attracting Prosperity

3 Tips for Creating Abundance and Attracting Prosperity

This week's blog is all about creating abundance and prosperity. As some of you know, I am launching a new yoga style called Prosperiti Yoga. This...

Oh the Wonders of Plant Medicine

Oh the Wonders of Plant Medicine

Today’s blog is about what many indigenous cultures have referred to as "plant medicine." Now, while the modern US FDA doesn't approve of the claim...

In the Name of Psychic Self-Defense

In the Name of Psychic Self-Defense

This week's blog is on psychic self-defense. But, before we get started: what the heck is a psychic attack? Sounds a little spooky right? A psychic...

Finding a Secure Relationship: The 4 Attachment Types

Finding a Secure Relationship:           The 4 Attachment Types

Today's blog is all about being secure in a relationship. I designated myself to write this blog because I used to be the Queen of failed relations...

How I Like to Get High

How I Like to Get High

This blog is dedicated to the act of getting high. Not necessarily getting high on plant medicine or any other mind altering substances, but gettin...

What’s your Ayurvedic Body Type?

What’s your Ayurvedic Body Type?

So, lately I’ve found myself hella interested in Ayurvedic studies. I’m a huge fan of Deepak Chopra and all of his knowledge in this field. I’ve li...

Toxic Relationships: When You’re Hacking Phones and Crying For Hours

Toxic Relationships: When You’re Hacking Phones and Crying For Hours

So, a lot of my friends and clients have been going through toxic relationships. This is a subject that I am well versed in, so, I figured I’d blog...