What’s your Ayurvedic Body Type?

So, lately I’ve found myself hella interested in Ayurvedic studies. I’m a huge fan of Deepak Chopra and all of his knowledge in this field. I’ve literally listened to almost all of his books on tape in my car.  I live in LA, so tons of traffic = hours of tapes.

The question is, what does Ayurvedic even mean? Ayurvedic medicine (“Ayurveda”) is one of the world's oldest holistic healing systems. It was created over 3,000 years ago in India and perhaps even long before that. It combines, mind, body and soul to healing practices. I find this subject absolutely fascinating and the insights gained from this field have taught me so about myself and my body. My body is super sensitive and has quite a few intolerances to certain foods, so having this knowledge has made my life much more manageable. My hope is this will help others to fuel their bodies with the best foods possible, to allow vibration on the highest frequencies possible.

So, today I am going to focus on the three Doshas, which are three types of energy believed to circulate in the body and govern physiological activity. The three dosas are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Once you know which of the three you are, you can then align your diet to help your body achieve maximum happiness. What we think and what we put into our body’s affects how our body runs. So, we need to make sure we’re putting in the right fuel for us and thinking positive thoughts.

We can sometimes be a combination of two doshas, but we are usually characterized by one.


VATA (Air)

If you're primarily that Vata type, you tend to always be on the go, full of energy and creativity. You most likely have a thin frame, and don't put on weight too easily.

Vata's love excitement and new experiences. Quick to anger but also to forgiveness, they tend to take initiative and are lively conversationalists. If a Vata is out of balance they can become stressed and anxious. They're also more prone to constipation and arthritis, so taking supplements like CBD oil (Hemp Oil) and Magnesium can be very helpful.  The base temperature for the Vatas is usually on the cooler side, so it's important to eat hot foods and drinks during the winter months along with dressing appropriately for the weather.

Some Good Exercises For Vata Body Types

  • Yoga
  • Qi Gong
  • Tai Chi
  • Walking
  • Short Hikes
  • Light Bicycling
  • Light Tennis
  • Golf
  • Dance
  • Aerobics

Best Foods for the Vata

Spices, berries, melons, summer squash, zucchini, yogurt, avocado, coconut, olives, buttermilk, cheese, eggs, whole milk (preferably non-homogenized), cooked vegetables, wheat, nuts,  seeds, cooked grains, spiced milk, root vegetables, stewed fruits, bananas, rice pudding, hot cereal, puréed soups

Foods All Vatas Should Try to Avoid

Raw vegetables, carbonated drinks, cold or icy drinks, too many raw nuts, dried fruits, leftovers that have been refrigerated too long, beans, tofu, popcorn, dry chips.

Vata does best eating a peaceful environment.

PITTA (Fire/Water)

Pitta's are usually of medium size and weight.  They have excellent digestion, which sometimes leads them to believe they can eat anything. They have a warm body temperature, they sleep soundly for short periods of time and have a strong sex drive. Pittas have a powerful intellect and a strong ability to concentrate. When they’re in balance, they are good decision makers, teachers, and speakers. They are precise, sharp-witted, often outspoken. Out-of-balance pittas can be short-tempered and argumentative.

Because Pittas are so warm blooded they do well with cooler foods and can sometimes have difficulties with spices. During the summer months especially, they should eat raw fruits and vegetables.

Best Foods for the Pitta

Raw fruits and vegetables, beans, potatoes, corn, millet, oats, pasta, popcorn, apples, pears, red grapes,  blueberries, raisins and shredded coconut, Oatmeal, dates, egg whites, avocado, whole grain toast, tofu, collard greens, wild rice, purple cabbage, greens, carrots, celery, onion, bell peppers, broccoli, carrots, celery, green beans, mushrooms, zucchini.

Foods All Pittas Should Try to Avoid

canned foods, ready-made meals, pastries, hard cheeses, olives, nuts, sour cream, chilies, radishes, turnips, raw onions, and use a moderate amount of a high quality oil when cooking.

Pittas are known for their insatiable appetite, so it’s equally important not to overindulge.

KAPHA (Earth/Water)

If you're a Kapha, you're naturally calm, thoughtful, and loving. You know how to enjoy life and are comfortable with routine. When balanced, Kaphas are strong, loyal, patient, and supportive. People with an excess of Kapha tend to hold on to things, jobs, and relationships long after they are no longer necessary. Excess Kapha in the mind manifests as resistance to change and stubbornness. KAPHA is made up of Earth & Water and like mud their digestion system and sinuses can get clogged. Kapha needs regular exercise, focusing on building endurance. Running, bicycling, swimming, aerobics, sports and dancing are great for Kapha. Kapha requires a minimalistic diet with smaller meals and little snacking.

Best Foods for the Kapha

Fresh fruits, vegetables, a variety of legumes, green or black teas, heating spices,  raw honey, white potatoes, dried fruits, rice cakes, popcorn, and an occasional glass of dry red or white wine, fruit smoothie, steamed kale, lean protein, onions, garlic, broccoli, celery, carrots, green beans, or asparagus

It's extremely that a Kapha enjoys the food they eat. Also, it's important that they do not eat too much in one sitting or they have a tendency towards put on weight.

Foods All Kapha Should Try to Avoid

In general, foods that are too heavy for Kapha include hard cheeses, puddings, nuts, cakes, pies, wheat, most flours, breads, pastas, red meat, and deep fried foods, which are also excessively oily. avocado, coconut, olives, buttermilk, cheese, eggs, cow’s milk, wheat, nuts and seeds

Kapha thrives on a fairly minimalistic diet with smaller meals, little to no snacking, fewer sweets, an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, a variety of legumes, little to no alcohol, and lighter fare all around. It’s extremely important that you enjoy the foods that you do eat.

Favor Light and Airy Over Dense and Heavy.  Fruits and vegetables are typically wonderfully light, so a diet that is built around a tremendous abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, preferably cooked, is a great start.  are quite light, especially when compared with coffee.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me. And, I can also do a personal session for 50% off, either on Skype or at my office if you want to figure out the best nutritional program for your body type.