Empowerment Bracelets

Empowerment Bracelets

These Empowerment Bracelets are created with authentic crystals filled with energy and the raw power of the elements.  They can help to balance your own internal energies and help you to manifest what you truly want out of life.  Each set of 3 Empowerment Bracelets includes a powerful incantation to activate the energies they contain during a full moon and are shipped in a hand-painted wooden case.


    This combination of crystals is designed to draw in prosperity and abundance.  A mix that is predominantly composed of garnet, they bring the heat necessary to create drive and passion.  It's also the stone of regeneration. Many times throughout life, we fail at a job or in a relationship. The energy of this empowerment bracelet structures order from chaos and fills you with the innovative energy that unlocks creativity and prosperity.

    Good for manifestation, inviting abundance, grounding dreams into reality, karma, and protection, success in career, unlocking creativity, past-life regression, relief from depression, overcoming a crisis, and following your life's purpose.

    This Empowerment Bracelet provides a harmonious supplement of Fire energy for those who are naturally missing the element.

    This set of bracelets is a mix of rose quartz & moonstone.  Rose quartz is the stone of the heart chakra and a crystal of unconditional love.  Helps one to give and receive love from others.  If you are looking to manifest a new love or strengthen your current relationship, this set also supports connection within groups and the later community.  It's a crystal designed to draw in deeper connection. 

    These Empowerment Bracelets are good for love and beauty, stimulating the imagination, sensuality, creating art and music, during pregnancy, sleep, creating beautiful dreams, overcoming trauma, protection against gossip and defending against psychic attacks.


    A combination of Tiger's Eye, Sandstone grounded to get you in touch with the earth.  many times we can find ourselves floating up in the sky in the air with indecision, confusion, in a state of "why?"

    These Earthbound stones will help ground you so you can connect with Mother Earth and truly appreciate life and your surroundings.  Good for indecision, better sleep, pain reduction, increasing energy, lowering stress, normalizing biorhythms, depression relief, blood flow improvement, menstrual pain, and faster healing. Great for providing energy, this Empowerment Bracelet provides a harmonious supplement of Earth energy for those who are naturally missing the element. 


    This set of crystals activates the crown chakra along with the third eye.  A combination of amethyst, moonstones, and quartz.  If you are seriously looking to expand your meditation practice, these Empowerment Bracelets will assist you on your journey beyond space and time. Also great for promoting love in all forms, connecting with the universe, awakening your inner divine being, meditation, interplanar travel, and lucid dreaming. Good for enhancing psychic powers, this Empowerment Bracelet provides a harmonious supplement of Air energy for those who are naturally missing the element.

    Good for enhancing psychic powers, this Empowerment Bracelet provides a harmonious supplement of Air energy for those who are naturally missing the element.